V.2.6 Updates:
- FOLDERS Support including drag & drop.✔️
- Keep File / Folder Structure Watermarking.✔️
- Go button keyboard shortcut has been added (CTRL+G/CMD+G). ✔️
- Linux Version(Debian based Linux).✔️
- Kill Process - 'ESC' will stop the process immediately.✔️
- After ‘ESC’, The app will delete unfinished files.✔️
- UI Zoom In & Out using Shift+/- for a better responsive look.✔️
- Saving the location path when saving presets.✔️
- Checkbox added for 'Repeat Time'.✔️
- File Menu is now added to the Mac version.✔️
- New soft "Done Process" SoundFx.✔️
- ToolTips & Alerts added.✔️
Fixed Issues:
- Minor UI bugs fixed.
- Updated background angular libraries. (technical info)
- Sox copying issue has been fixed.
- "0" value "Repeat After" issue fixed.
- The output folder name update issue fixed.
- Choosing 'SAME OUTPUT FOLDER' now deactivate the option for 'CHOOSE OUTPUT FOLDER'.
- New message alerts and tooltips.
- The preview track without the watermark issue has been fixed.
- Duplicated files are now has been fixed.