How to change the tracks order while creating a preview track? You can always change your tracks order on your preview file just by clicking on the top tracks table column, You can sort your tracks by – Name/Size/Length which will define your tracks order on your preview file.
How can I preview the watermark volume?(ver 2.x) Now with ver .2, You can simply preview your watermark volume mix by selection one of your tracks and than pressing the ‘Watermark Preview’ player sidebar button. Also you can watch our basic video tutorial:
What does batch processing means? AG watermark generator gives you the ability to process more than just one file at a time, Just drag & drop as many files as you like and you are good to go. for more info check out this tutorial: Batch Processing Tutorial
Why do I need to purchase a license? Only registered users can use tracks that are longer than 1 min.
Why do I need a preview file player? We wanted to make it easier for you to listen to the tracks before continuing with the file process, Please note that it will not preview the file with your chosen watermark file, Only your original tracks.
Can I use multiple input and watermark files which have different sample-rates ? AG Watermark generator does not support different sample-rates or a different number of channels within the audio files. Please make sure that your files have the same Sample rate and bit rate for both tracks and watermark f ...
Do you have an affiliate/referral program? Sure ! Feel free to join our affiliate program, refer your friends and earn 20% from each sale ! Sign-up now to get your referral link and start to earn money. https://watermark.agsoundtrax.com/affiliate-area
Can I add more than one Waterkmark file ? Of course, AG Watermark Generator support multi Watermark files, Just add your Watermark files (keep it 45 sec long) and keep in mind that it will be processed by the order you have placed the watermark files, If you like to ...
What is the purpose for this kind of tool ? This audio watermark is a great tool which will help you to protect you online music, With The ‘AG watermark generator, more ’ your workflow faster and efficient.Through this new tool you can create a watermarked preview ...
How can i adjust the Watermark volume level?(ver. 1.x) For this version, there is no way to adjust the watermark level but its highly recommend to make several presets by your own which have different dB levels, for example MyWatermark 0DB .mp3MyWatermark +6DB .mp3MyWatermark -6 ...
Can I merge all my files to just one long preview file?(Audiojungle Users) If you are an Envato – Audiojungle author you probably know this issue, You have all your tracks versions ready to upload but the only thing you are left to do is to merge all the files into this one long audio watermarked ...
Why is the 'Silence Between Tracks' Is Disabled?(v.2.x) In order to use “Silence Between Tracks” parameter, You need first to make sure that the “Merge Output file” is checked (This parameter is only available when merging more than one file).
Why Im getting "sox.exe FAIL" ? (ver. 1.x) This error may appear when you are trying to mix two different audio files format (44,1 kHz, 48khz, 96kHz). Yes but why? Well, Think of it like trying to combine 2 different file formats like PDF+JPEG for example. In order ...
Why I'm getting "not enough input filenames specified" message? Sometimes one of your main tracks may be shorter than your 'Start Time' parameters setting which may cause "not enough input filenames specified" message to popup, so make sure that your start time value is smaller and your ...
How can I preview the watermark volume?(V.2.x) Now on v.2 you can simply preview your watermark volume mix by selection on your tracks and press on the ‘Watermark Preview’ Sidebar button. First choose one of your main files than click on the preview button.
Do you have an affiliate/referral program? Sure ! Feel free to join our affiliate program, refer your friends and earn 20% from each sale ! !Sign-up now to get your referral link and start to earn money.
Have a suggestion? Have a suggestion? Feel free to visit out feedback forum where you can submit your great new ideas, wish list and even report us with bugs.
How can I recover the factory presets after they was deleted? If you by accident deleted our factory presets, Don’t worry, you can get it back! On a Mac: Please quite ‘AG watermark Generator App’ and go over to your system application folder, find the AGwatermark’ folder, th ...
Where can I find the old app versions? Please feel free to download AG Watermark Generator old versions in the link below: OLD VERSIONS
AG Watermark Teamiewer Quick Remote Support Already bored of solving technical issues over relentless email threads, live chat rooms leaving no paper trail or annoyed by tech support crews who simply don’t care? We bet you are and that’s why we decided to approach ...
Schedule 15 Min. Skype Support Chat All of our costumers allow to schedule 15 min. Skype Support chat! Click HERE to make an appointment.
How to redeem AG watermark Coupon code? If you got one of our coupon code, please make sure to redeem it on our website check out page.
Are you running an API? We are currently do not support any kind of API.. Sorry...
Can't Find Sox File Format Identifier If you are getting this "Can't Find Sox File Format Identifier" massage Pop-up alert, There are two main reasons that may cause that, Please follow those 2 steps before submitting a support ticket: 1.Its means that the AGwa ...
Can I drag/add Folders? Since ver 2.6, You can drag and drop folders and the app will create watermark files to all the files that within those folders and you can keep the folder structure.
Can't Drag or Import Files to the app If you are not able to drag or import your files to the app, Please make sure that your files does not includes any special characters such as #,@,!,$,%,^,&,*