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How can I preview the watermark volume?(V.2.x) Now on v.2 you can simply preview your watermark volume mix by selection on your tracks and press on the ‘Watermark Pr ... V.2.6 Updates: - FOLDERS Support including drag & drop.✔️- Keep File / Folder Structure Watermarking.✔️- Go button keyboard shortcut ... V.2.6 for macOS Catalina Dear AGWatermark Mac User, We are happy to announce that AG Audio Watermark Generator v.2.6 is now compatible with macOS Cat ... Previous License (2017 and earlier) Since 2017, we have released a new version of the app (2.x) that is not compatible with the old V.1 serial. However, your V.1 ...
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How can I recover the factory presets after they was deleted?